Join AIASF as an Allied Member

Why Join AIA San Francisco as an Allied Member?

Sign up or renew today as an Allied Member of AIA San Francisco and connect with architects, design professionals, and the AEC community. Together, we network, collaborate, celebrate, and shape the future of design.

Allied Membership Benefits
  • Open to professionals in allied industries such as interior designers, engineers, landscape architects, urban and city planners, showroom and manufacturer staff, builders, and construction professionals.

  • Become listed in AIASF's Architectural Firm Directory, powered by Architizer.

  • Receive a discounted rate on space rental and AIA promotional material for events and trainings

  • AIASF’s Allied membership is offered to individuals at the local level only.

Have questions? Contact our membership team for assistance. Once your membership is approved, you'll receive an email with login details and further instructions.

Annual Dues $300.00

Join Today!