Chart Your Path Workshop 2.0


us for the last workshop of our 2019 EQxD Workshop Series—a hands on, self-reflective evening to learn essential tools for integrated career planning. This workshop was featured at the #EQxDV
Symposium in 2018.

navigating day to day work/life challenges to mapping strategic career goals, charting your professional development, assessing periodically, and correcting your course can increase the likelihood for sustainable career satisfaction and success. During this
session, you will gain insight from architect leaders who have used career mapping tools to navigate goals, options and challenges within their own career trajectory. You will learn and apply tools for strategic goal setting in your professional development
as well as techniques/ideas for the immediate challenges of reconciling work/life conflicts which have more impact than you think. Working together, participants will map these macro and micro career mapping approaches highlighting connections between individual
goals, prioritizing in both personal and professional contexts for realizing a rewarding and positive results.


About the Presenters:


Anja Hamalainen

Originally from Finland, Anja earned her Master of Science degree in Architecture from the Helsinki University
of Technology (Aalto University). To counterbalance her studies in Finland, Anja spent a year in 2001 working abroad at an architecture office in Baltimore, sparking an interest in a life and career overseas. Returning to Finland to finish her degree and license,
she continued to work on award-winning competitions, and residential, urban planning and design projects at Helsinki-based architecture firms. Since moving to the United States in 2011, Anja has been working on high end residential projects with Walker Warner
Architects both in the Bay Area and in Mexico. Now a project manager at Walker Warner Architects on an extensive San Francisco renovation, she gets to train the next generation of female architects on her team. After work she enjoys learning new creative skills
in pottery, visual arts, and silversmithing.



Gloria Kim

Kim is a Senior Project Manager at Walker Warner Architects, where she enjoys collaborating with colleagues to produce custom design solutions for everyday living. Since earning a BArch from Cornell University, she has worked in New York and the Bay Area on
a wide variety of projects at DBOX, CDR Studio Architects, Andrew Mann Architecture, and SOM. 18 years of experience have shaped her interest in the personalized and intimate quality of architecture afforded by the custom residential sector. Gloria is inspired
to work alongside others to advance the conversation of an equitable practice and elevate design for the community. She previously served on the Steering Committee of the Organization of Women Architects and currently maintains a position on the Facilities
Board at her local church. She is also a wife, mother of two boys, and native Oakland resident who appreciates nature and practices yoga.



Devon Miller

Devon Miller is a
landscape designer at Groundworks Office where she strives to create authentic, equitable spaces that celebrate the human spirit and the elements we inhabit. Her early career focused on placemaking and community-building in Rhode Island where she worked as
a designer at the Providence Parks Department. Committed to education, Devon taught design and architecture studios at the Boston Architectural College and to underserved women and girls throughout India and in the California juvenile system. She’s been awarded
grants from Rhode Island School of Design, Dining for Women and Silicon Valley Community Foundation for her collaborative design and education initiatives and has completed trainings in all-gender design within the built environment. She holds a Bachelor of
Arts in Studio Art and Art History from Wellesley College, and a Master of Landscape Architecture from Rhode Island School of Design.



Laura Stedman

Stedman is an Associate at WRNS Studio in San Francisco, and has 14 years of experience in architecture and design. She previously worked at Vinoly Architects and Vito Acconci Studio in New York City, where her work focused on early concept design and strategy
development for buildings and art installations across Europe and the U.S. Today Laura leads projects across various sectors and building types, including hallmark projects for Dolby, Stanford University, the U.S Department of Veterans Affairs, the Parkinson’s
Institute and Clinical Center, U.C. Santa Cruz, U.C. Merced and U.C. Berkeley. Laura has experience working within various project delivery models, including Public-Private Partnerships, and recently presented on this topic at the 2019 SCUP National Conference.

earned her Bachelor of Arts in Architecture from Edinburgh College of Art, where she received a scholarship to study at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen. She completed her Masters of Architecture at Columbia University GSAPP, where she was
awarded the Lucille Smyser Lowenfish Memorial Prize, and the Honors Award for Excellence in Design.



Nathan Hyman

Nathan Hyman is a passionate and innovative Architect at WRNS Studio in San Francisco. His past 5 years at Woods Bagot and SPF:architects has exposed him to a wide variety of typologies and project delivery methods. He has worked on a wide range of award-winning commercial and residential projects; following his guiding principle to develop himself as a ‘Whole Architect’.

A lifelong learner, Nathan enthusiastically undertakes new projects to broaden his skills and understanding of the built environment. He is community focused and driven to create positive change in the world around him through Architecture and design. Outside of Architecture, Nathan loves to spend time at the beach, play volleyball, run in the headlands and explore new cities around the world.





Lilian Asperin

Lilian values a firm culture that embraces collaboration, connection to the community, risk taking, and fostering talent. As one of the studio’s Partners, she helps lead the design process and build teams that deliver aspirational outcomes. Lilian utilizes her experience as a practice leader and licensed architect to develop synergistic relationships with leaders throughout the architectural and educational communities.

Deeply involved with AIA’s over the past 5 years, Lilian has served as Board Director and is the Co-Chair of the Equity by Design Committee, a call to action for both women and men to realize the goal of equitable practice and communicate the value of design to society. As a presenter and thought leader engaged with the 2018 Equity by Design Symposium, Lilian organized and shared her journey as part of the original “Chart Your Path” break-out session and continues to collaborate with others to explore their own means to arriving at meaning and influence in their careers.




We will be offering 1.5 CEUs for this session and light evening refreshments

$15 for AIA Members

$20 for General Registration

If you have not already done so, please create an account on the website here (you will need this to sign up for all AIA events); AIASF members will automatically have a profile on the AIASF website. You do not need to be an AIA member to register with the website or to attend events – everyone is welcome. While logged into your account, complete your registration by clicking the “register” button at the top right of this page.

If you have any difficulties creating a profile on the AIASF website, logging in, or registering for an event, please contact the AIASF reception at

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