Online Course: Top 10 Permitting Strategies
Permitting is an essential yet complex process that can take years and thousands of dollars to complete. In order to better serve your client, it is important to understand the process and the most efficient way to navigate it. Architects can communicate with City officials to review plans in order to avoid large design changes post permit submittal. The presentation reviews the permitting process and the methods we have found most helpful for speedy delivery of permits. We will discuss the importance of understanding the different jurisdictional requirements, as various cities within the Bay Area have different requirements. Neglecting to distinguish these requirements ahead of time can lead to delays in the review process down the road.
Learning Objectives After this presentation, you will be able to:
- Understand why separating tenant improvements into two different scopes for permitting is valuable;
- Distinguish when third party plan check is appropriate for a project and when it is not;
- Understand why Water and Fire Services for ground-up construction should be submitted concurrently;
- See the value in personally routing plans to the health department rather than waiting for the city to do it.
Pricing + Registration AIA Member: $5 General Admission: $10 AIASF Student Member: Free
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Garret GillilandChief Operations Officer, SF Codes
Garret Gilliland has the project experience and real-world knowledge to help facilitate every aspect of your pre-construction needs. Our entire Project Management team has the experience, skills, and expertise to mitigate delays to critical path, improve project timeframes, and ensure pre-construction permits & entitlements are attained on time. In recent past, they have led the permitting efforts on some of the largest projects within the San Francisco Bay Area. At SFC we pride ourselves on responsiveness, hard work, and the creation of unique submittal strategies as we work with design team professionals to better understand municipal code considerations, submittal packaging, and find solutions to ensure project success.