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  • NCARB / CAB + YOU: AXP, ARE, + Certification

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    NCARB / CAB + YOU: AXP, ARE, + Certification

    Tuesday, March 8, 2022 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm PST

    Learning Objectives

    This presentation will provide an overview on what steps are required with NCARB and CAB in the process of getting licensed, and will detail support provided by AIASF’s Architectural Licensing Committee (ALC) through ARE education opportunities. AIASF’s ARE class sessions and the ARE Pact program will be discussed so that ARE candidates can determine which resources would be most beneficial for their path to licensure. Enrollment in the 2022 AIASF ARE Pact program is open here.

    1. Recognize the importance of career planning
    2. Identify the requirements for completing the AXP and the ARE
    3. Outline the process of becoming licensed
    4. Identify alternatives to getting licensed as an international applicant continuing your career in the U.S.
    5. Utilize resources available to identify the proper person or organization to contact for answers to specific questions
    6. Learn about AIASF’s ARE education opportunities



    About the Presenters

    Emily Anderson, AIA
    Outreach Manager, Experience+Education | NCARB

    Before joining NCARB as the Outreach Manager for Experience + Education, Emily worked in the architecture and engineering industry for 17 years at various firms in Florida. She has worked closely with structural engineers for much of her career and is an advocate of holistic design. Emily is passionate about helping students and licensure candidates complete the path to obtain that coveted title of “architect.”

    Jesse Bruinsma
    Examinations Analyst | California Architects Board

    The California Architects Board (Board) was created in 1901 by the California Legislature to fulfill the mission of protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the public through the regulation and process of examination and licensing of the profession of architecture in California, which today numbers over 21,000 licensed architects and approximately 10,000 candidates who are in the process of meeting examination and licensure requirements.

    Patricia N. Ramallo, AIA
    Assistant Vice President, Innovation | NCARB

    Have you completed your education in architecture or are licensed to practice outside the U.S.? You have alternatives to get licensed in one (or more) of the local states or territories. Join us to discuss options available to you and how to overcome some of the most common challenges as you continue your career in the U.S.

    Jared N. Zurn, AIA
    Vice President, Examination | NCARB

    This presentation will cover a range of licensure topics relevant to students, aspiring architects, supervisors, architects, and people in the architecture profession. It will review the steps related to NCARB that are necessary to take for licensure to become an architect and other programs to get the most out of your career in architecture.

    Roland Lau, AIA, Chair; Melissa Barry, AIA; Americo Delgado, Assoc. AIA; Melanie D’Souza, Assoc. AIA; Ryan Raskop, AIA; William Turner, AIA; Marissa Yee, AIA 
    Architectural Licensing Committee (ALC)


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    Tuesday, March 8, 2022
    6:00 pm - 8:00 pm PST
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    AIA San Francisco
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